Cool Clear Water
Dan, can ya see that big, green tree?
Where the water's runnin' free
And it's waitin' there for me and you?
Cool, clear, water
Cool, clear, water
-"Cool Clear Water", old cowboy song
Life is like a clothing item, say a nice comfortable shirt, which we're tasked with keeping clean. Unfortunately, due to the winds of life blowing to and fro, "stuff" gets on it and it gets dirty. It's tempting to try and brush the dirt off myself, or to think that I can keep myself clean. However, left out in the open, slowly the color fades into the color of soil. Soil that varies based on the locale I'm spending time in, but soil nonetheless.
Conversely, if my life is constantly held under the pure running water of time with God, all the dirt, from dust particles to big ol' dirt clods, is washed away.
One of my Shift friends talks frequently about his need to talk to God every morning, daily giving his life and decisions to the care of God. Since it works for him, I decided to try it some time ago. It's amazing; there's a nearly one-to-one correlation between remembering to talk to God right when I wake up and the overall tone of the day.
Every day, my life needs re-immersed in the stream God provides. The clear, cool, constantly-running stream that slowly and steadily washes me clean once again.
Maybe I should have quoted Talking Heads instead.
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Take me to the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down
- "Take Me To The River", Talking Heads
Where the water's runnin' free
And it's waitin' there for me and you?
Cool, clear, water
Cool, clear, water
-"Cool Clear Water", old cowboy song
Life is like a clothing item, say a nice comfortable shirt, which we're tasked with keeping clean. Unfortunately, due to the winds of life blowing to and fro, "stuff" gets on it and it gets dirty. It's tempting to try and brush the dirt off myself, or to think that I can keep myself clean. However, left out in the open, slowly the color fades into the color of soil. Soil that varies based on the locale I'm spending time in, but soil nonetheless.
Conversely, if my life is constantly held under the pure running water of time with God, all the dirt, from dust particles to big ol' dirt clods, is washed away.
One of my Shift friends talks frequently about his need to talk to God every morning, daily giving his life and decisions to the care of God. Since it works for him, I decided to try it some time ago. It's amazing; there's a nearly one-to-one correlation between remembering to talk to God right when I wake up and the overall tone of the day.
Every day, my life needs re-immersed in the stream God provides. The clear, cool, constantly-running stream that slowly and steadily washes me clean once again.
Maybe I should have quoted Talking Heads instead.
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Take me to the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down
- "Take Me To The River", Talking Heads