My Life in Flatirons Idioms
(Taking a page out of my friend Mike's book, tonight is an exercise in brevity. Sometimes less is indeed more.)
Looking back at this year's sermons and my life, there are many shared moments. Heretofore, I present:
Quotes about my life (mostly from Pastor Jim):
We're not saying these are the best [stories]. We're saying that they're our [stories] and that's what we have to share.
You say your life is messed up? Me too. (then, “Let's figure it out together”)
God says love your enemies. I say, I'll hold 'em, you hit 'em.
People say “That's just God's will” and they say it at the worst times. It's not. God didn't send it, God didn't allow it. But He said “I can use that for good.” Why didn't He control it and keep it from happening? Jim's Theological Answer, write it down: “I don't know. Talk to God about it.”
It didn't surprise God. God didn't say “Ooh, didn't see that one coming. I hope this turns out OK.”
I'm not at my destination. I probably won't get “there”. But I'm better than I used to be.
Hurt people hurt people.
“Accepting this world as it is, not as I would have it.”
“Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.”
Life with Jesus isn't easier. But it's better.
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
Life is always more clear in the rearview mirror than in the headlights.
(Last, but not least)
Come and see. [I] don't care what you believe. Just come, see, and decide for yourself.
Looking back at this year's sermons and my life, there are many shared moments. Heretofore, I present:
Quotes about my life (mostly from Pastor Jim):
We're not saying these are the best [stories]. We're saying that they're our [stories] and that's what we have to share.
You say your life is messed up? Me too. (then, “Let's figure it out together”)
God says love your enemies. I say, I'll hold 'em, you hit 'em.
People say “That's just God's will” and they say it at the worst times. It's not. God didn't send it, God didn't allow it. But He said “I can use that for good.” Why didn't He control it and keep it from happening? Jim's Theological Answer, write it down: “I don't know. Talk to God about it.”
It didn't surprise God. God didn't say “Ooh, didn't see that one coming. I hope this turns out OK.”
I'm not at my destination. I probably won't get “there”. But I'm better than I used to be.
Hurt people hurt people.
“Accepting this world as it is, not as I would have it.”
“Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.”
Life with Jesus isn't easier. But it's better.
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
Life is always more clear in the rearview mirror than in the headlights.
(Last, but not least)
Come and see. [I] don't care what you believe. Just come, see, and decide for yourself.