Monday, October 15, 2012

Naturally and Freely

"So all came to pass, just as it was foretold and lo, all that came before had both been required and had taken place in perfect timing.  No task had been started too early or too late, but were right when they needed to be."
- The Apparent Prophecy of Kenton's Life

At lunch with today, my friend commented on the value of accomplishing tasks in a "natural and free" manner, rather than forcing anything outside of its proper time.  "Naturally and freely, not forced" - I propose this as a corollary or extension of my previously life lesson of  "don't think, just dance."  Excessive conscious focus when I dance makes my movements appear unnatural and often too subdued.  Worrying too much about the feet or the arms etc. makes the dance forced and less smooth.  Recognizing my body's natural motion (either for rotation or counterbody for linear movement) both makes the dance look better and makes leading easier.  This begs the question - how does "natural and free" look like in my life?

Lately, I think I've seen a pattern - if God prompts, do it, even if the timing seems odd.  At the time, the prompt may seem odd and have no immediate impact, but in time, all will mature. 

In an unrelated email conversation this week, I stated a personal goal as "to live my life from who I see myself to be."  The more I embrace this, the easier life gets.  Living as myself is easier than living as someone not myself.  Be the best self I can be. (Ze Frank would say "Make yours a good self.")  Granted, this only makes sense if you know yourself, but if that can be accomplished, life's horizons open wide.  Part of this has to be living myself as I am and as God is forming and changing me to be.

What's holding you back from living as you believe yourself to be, naturally and unforced?

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