Friday, December 23, 2011

I Blame Her: Intro

“...But you're strange and fascinating and I've never met anyone like you.
I want to give you everything
...just to see what you would do with it.”
-xkcd #968

“I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance “
-Shinedown “Second Chance”

(Dictionary): any amazing or wonderful occurrence
(Faith): a divine interruption of God's established laws of nature to reach of create change in the lives of His people.
(Excerpted from Kerby & McCraigh, The Power Of Brokenness)

In the spirit of “Things I Blame”, I started an entry about how I could blame my ex-girlfriend for who I am today. Eighteen hundred words later, it needed chopped up into bite-size pieces. Even single-serving size pieces would have been OK, but the gorge-size was right out. There isn't a “Value Size” or “Family Size” for life experiences. The human mind only deals in part and I'm sure that Blogger does too, albeit larger.

Hereupon, I present to you a spectacle, scarce to be believed. Forthwith, I will set out, without rancor and without venom, stories of my life, particularly as involves a certain young lady. Writing is to be cathartic and to be educational. It is NOT to be slanderous (libelous, I guess; this is written) and I don't plan for this group of posts to be such. This blog is my journey of life, not my opinion on others' journey or worse, my condemnation of someone else's journey.

I'm not entirely sure what I'll find, to be honest. A journey through my psyche will hopefully be less traumatic than through that of, say, Waters or Townshend, but should still be educational and entertaining.

(Spoiler: Through Mary, God changed me deeply and brought me closer to Him.)



Anonymous Mike said...

Cool! I am excited!

December 24, 2011 at 11:23 AM  

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