Monday, March 21, 2011

Temporary, Part 2

After all the writing I did for the last entry, I still forgot to put in the catalyst that moved me to write. A frequent fixture in my life is watching movies with friends. One of my friends has Netflix, so we always have 500+ movies on tap in whatever style the night deserves. Recently, I've been in a horror movie mood. Don't judge me, Jesus still loves me. Since I do have some taste in movies, we've tended away from slasher horror and towards psychological horror.

Last weekend's movie was “Village of the Damned” (IMDB link). It was a successful pick in that it was unsettling and thought-provoking, without gratuitous amounts of objectionable content. The basic premise of the movie is that after an entire town blacks out, several of the women are found pregnant. Oddly, the children are born simultaneously and seem to be rather, well, otherworldly. Turns out they are the children of offscreen aliens and have strange psychic powers. (Sorry if I spoil the movie for you a little bit...but it supports my point)

Since they aren't truly human, they have no emotion and no morals. The children, particularly Mara (the leader), are brutal, serving out harsh retribution to any and all who threaten their plan for world domination. Any person who dared to oppose them or even voice any doubt, no matter how tentative or innocent, quickly and violently met their end. By halfway through the movie, the entire village is pretty cowed, but the death only slows. Oh, did I mention that the children are also telepathic? Even your inner thoughts could betray you.

I guess I saw some of my life in the actions of the onscreen characters. My life used to be idyllic and peaceful. Then something evil got in and there was little to no hope after that. Doesn't matter how hard I try or if I contain or refute my thoughts, things around me still fall apart. It's like the movies you see where the protagonists are huddled in the middle of an area as building chunks or rocks or other such detritus falls around them. No matter where they go, they'll be in danger. No matter what they do, they won't be safe. Is nothing safe?

Zooming back out, I guess that's the way the world is, too. God made an ideal world, but then sin entered the world and we all pay the price. Every day, in one way or another, sin touches and pollutes our life. Nothing is safe save God. Your thoughts? Not always yours. Things you believe from others? Maybe God's words, maybe something that's just waiting to kill you.

And thus concludes Kenton's lesson from a horror movie about aliens. Thoughts?



Blogger Matt said...

I feel my cynicism in these posts..Maybe we should quit watching strange movies!

Anyway, most of your last few blogs echo my life, too.

March 24, 2011 at 10:01 AM  

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