Thursday, May 29, 2008

xkcd vs. the Bible

I have no pontification or even exposition this time. I just thought this relation was too good not to share. For good or for ill, I read the webcomic xkcd pretty regularly. It's usually pretty entertaining. Today's comic, once again, has happened in my life.

(I'm trying to balance "spoiling the deciphering of the comic" with "leaving my blog entry really vague". I'll consciously err towards the latter, sorry. Half the fun of xkcd is figuring out what Randall is trying to get at.)

Today's alt text (hover your mouse over the picture or right click and hit "Properties" in Firefox, not sure about IE) is "There was something about a cup and a sword and a tree and a green hill..." I thought the quote sounded awful familiar, but couldn't quite place it.

Google is my friend, though, reminding me that it's a Narnia reference. "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" to be specific. Knowing Lewis, he would have chosen his words carefully, and I've wondered what he meant. Check out this link. (I'm sorry for the obnoxious link anchor, but the page is super-long and not an interesting read) This quote can apparently be considered a reference to the story of the Crucifixion.

Of all the weird subjects mentioned in xkcd (peruse the archives), I never thought he'd get to Narnia and the Bible. But he has. And I'm immensely amused. I should be able to make a comment on the tagline for xkcd ("a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language"), but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. Let me know what you come up with...

Peace, y'alls.


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