Sunday, October 08, 2006

My RMGA Lesson: The Consequences

(Concluding what I started in "My RMGA Lesson: The Setup" and "My RMGA: The Revelation")
Welcome back to yet another installment in my RMGA series. As you may recall, last time, I shared with you what God showed me at RMGA. He showed me that my priorities were pretty confused, and that I needed to get them right by putting Him first in my life. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:3 NASB) "These things" include food, clothing, housing, and all the other things that we think we need in our lives.

What changes has this lesson made in my life in the last week? For one, I froze most personal email this week until I coule straighten out my relationship with God and tell the story that He laid on my heart. It's surprising actually how much time I spend writing email. Some days, this time could be better spent talking to God and seeking what He wants in my life. Other days, it is good to share with others. (As in, don't worry. I will still write email. :-) ) I have renewed my effort to spend the first part of every morning reading my Bible and devotion book (Spurgeon is pretty good, I must say). It is amazing how much more you see of God if you're truly seeking Him and not your own desires. I want to make sure that I'm right with God before I try to be right with others. God will make me right with others in His timing.

There are some long-term consequences as well. When I first started attending Cru this year, I kept hearing amazing stories from young people who had been "on Project last summer." I mentioned John Compton's experience earlier, but his is just one of many. I had fleetingly considered doing Summer Project next year, but dismissed the idea as impractical. I see my tuition bill every semester, and I know that it is only through God's provision and my hard work that it is paid. I guess I didn't have enough faith to realize that if God can provide through a summer of hard work, it's not going to be any harder for Him to provide while I'm on a summer mission trip. I have started mentally adjusting towards possibly going on a Summer Project next year.

One of our Denver Metro staff workers is organizing a trip to southern Russia to minister to college students there. He gave a short presentation at RMGA, and at the end of the short promotional video, I realized that I almost had tears in my eyes. Russia is an amazing country, and yet an amazingly spiritually bankrupt country. There were pictures of pre-Soviet era architecture, the hammer and sickle of the Socialist period, then today's college students. The students who had gone before had troubles speaking clearly of their experience through the incredible love that they had been given for the students abroad. I have no idea how I would get to the Russian town that I don't want to spell, but my God has always taken care of me, and always will. If it's supposed to happen, it will. Go here, all the way to the bottom of the page to read more.

There are Summer Projects that are a little more local as well, and generally they require no fundraising, so maybe God will lead me to one of these. I wait for His lead on this one.

More immediately, I've signed up to help out at Christ's Body Ministries, a ministry to the homeless in Denver. That story will have to wait for next post, though.

Thanks for hanging tight with me through the 2500+ word monster this story has become. I promise that you will soon be returned to your normally scheduled programming. (Whatever that may be) Until next time, my friend, I wish you "Shalom".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God for His work in your life. I will pray that He continues to solidify the lessons you've been learning lately. Thank-you so much for choosing to follow His lead and share where He's taking you. Your blog blessed me more than I can say tonight.

October 8, 2006 at 10:09 PM  

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